1. How much is satu kupang?
2. Where's the favourite spot to take wedding pictures in Taiping?
3. In what dialect is Apo Nak Di Kato?
4. Name at least five variations of roti canai.
5. What is the staple food of native Sarawakians.
6. Name a popular Malay ointment made from "cucumber"
7. Name the sauce made from fish or shrimp that the Kelantanese love.
8. What does pi mai pi mai tang tu mean?
9. Which fruit is Ipoh famous for?
10. What is the English name for putu mayam?
11. "Lah" is to Peninsular Malaysians as"..." is to Sabahans.
12. What does ABC stand for?
13. How long is a sari?
14. Name Penang's famous beach.
15. How do you order coffee mixed with tea at a kopitiam?
16. What's on Malaysian TV at 8pm?
17. On one side of our RM1 coin is the bunga raya, what's on the>other?
18. Now what's on our 10 sen coin?
19. What was the name of the KL Commonwealth Games 1998 mascot?
20. When you fill in a form, if you're not Malay, Chinese or Indian, you are...?
21. Who is Malaysia's favourite Kampung Boy?
22. How did the word "gostan" come about?
23. Lobo's Whispers in the Wind is the English version of which famous Malay song?
24. When did Malaysia last win the Thomas Cup?
25. What is the name of our national flag?
26. If you want 4D numbers, who do you consult?
27. What's the name of the Malaysian-made 175cc motorbike?
28. Name our national bird.
29. If the father is a baba, and the mother is a nyonya, the what is the son?
0-10 Malu-lah you! We suggest you spend at least one hour a day at your nearest coffee-shop.
11-20 Boleh pass. Okay, you may claim to be the average Malaysian with a score in this range but you could watch less CNN and more RTM.
21-29 Wah, you one true blue Malaysian-lah. Top quality belacan. We are truly impressed, especially if you know the answer to No. 23 which we admit is very tricky!
Wait till next posting beb....... Ready with your answers first. Write it down in COMMENTS
kak min, ada hadiah tak nih? byk soklan ni kena bg skim galakan berupa hadiah hamper ke ni ... kekeke.
nak jawab soklan 2 ngan 4 je dulu. kat taman tasik taiping kat tasik dia yg cantik dan pokok2 yg merimbun tu kan? makanan org native swak: sagu.
betul dak?
Mi, jawab 2 tak kira... kena semua baru leh kautim. Cuba jangan tak, hantam saja pun boleh. Yang pasti, pemilik markah tertinggi ada `SURPRISE' ........!!!!!!!
1. How much is satu kupang?
J : Org Utara kata Sekupang, org luaq ckp 10 sen
2. Where's the favourite spot to take wedding pictures in Taiping?
J : Tmn Tasek Taiping
3. In what dialect is Apo Nak Di Kato?
J : Nogori 9
4. Name at least five variations of roti canai.
J : Roti Sardin, Roti Planta, Roti Pisang, Roti Bawang, Roti Telur
5. What is the staple food of native Sarawakians.
J : Sagu
6. Name a popular Malay ointment made from "cucumber"
J : Mana ada minyak buat dr cucumber, kalu cucumber sea tu tau la "Minyak Gamat"
7. Name the sauce made from fish or shrimp that the Kelantanese love.
J : Sedaknya Buduuuuuu
8. What does pi mai pi mai tang tu mean?
J : Ke sana, ke sini...last2 kt situ jugak
9. Which fruit is Ipoh famous for?
J : Limau Bali laaaa..
10. What is the English name for putu mayam?
J : Ntah la...nnt nk pi kelas bahasa org putih dulu...
11. "Lah" is to Peninsular Malaysians as"..." is to Sabahans.
J : Ye BAH.....
12. What does ABC stand for?
J : Air Batu Campur, org Kedah panggil "Aih Kacang"
13. How long is a sari?
J : 6 Ela
14. Name Penang's famous beach.
J : Mana lagi...Pantai Batu Feringghi la...
15. How do you order coffee mixed with tea at a kopitiam?
J : Malu la nk jwb..."Kote" kot...awat ingat otak kita kuning sgt ka...rasanya "Kopi Cham"...
16. What's on Malaysian TV at 8pm?
J : Berita lor
17. On one side of our RM1 coin is the bunga raya, what's on the>other?
J : Keris daaaaaaa
18. Now what's on our 10 sen coin?
J : Mainan yg Amni suka main (Congkak)
19. What was the name of the KL Commonwealth Games 1998 mascot?
J : Wira (Org Utan)
20. When you fill in a form, if you're not Malay, Chinese or Indian, you are...?
J : Others la
21. Who is Malaysia's favourite Kampung Boy?
J : Hahahaha soalan Cepu Emas...su ni peminat Kg Boy...LAT kan?
22. How did the word "gostan" come about?
J : Go Astern...yg ni dh lama dh tau
23. Lobo's Whispers in the Wind is the English version of which famous Malay song?
J : Rasanya lagu P Ramlee tp x ingat tajuk daaaa..
24. When did Malaysia last win the Thomas Cup?
J : Thn 1992
25. What is the name of our national flag?
J : Jalur Gemilang
26. If you want 4D numbers, who do you consult?
J : Pi Kedai Sport Toto...cina ckp pi jmpa "Latuk"
27. What's the name of the Malaysian-made 175cc motorbike?
J : Yg ni sue tau...motor kami cinta2 dulu...JAGUH
28. Name our national bird.
J : Sejak bila lak ada burung kebangsaan nih...bunga kebangsaan ada la...burung x pernah dgq lg setakat ni..
29. If the father is a baba, and the mother is a nyonya, the what is the son?
J : Rasanya depa panggil Baba balik sbb Son tu anak lelaki...tp x tau la plak kalu skrg depa ada panggilan baru...
Sekian saja jwpn dr Suked8787....
TAHNIAH!!!!!! Skor anda 27 1/2 daaaaa.
Ada sapa leh challenge suked8787?
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