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Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I'm really buzy, lots of thing to settle before 5.30pm today. I'm concentrating to finish job early but the other part of my mind is counting the moment of my vacation.
My dear friends, `DOAKAN YANG TERBAIK' for us through out this journey, including to our Bro Dj, Suked8787 and their small baby.
See you next week........ (will try, if time permit to update latest news from there)
besssnyer!!! insya-Allah everything will run smoothly...amin
Semoga Selamat pergi n kembali...jgn lupe kami kat PRC yer...
No worry gang, janji cover my place elok2.
Happy honeymooning sis & hubby :D
Kak jaga si Epoi tu, kang takut dia taknak balik...asyik nak shopping jer.
Selamat bercuti + honeymoon.
happy holiday...
sgt jelesss sbb i keje =P~
ke mana destinasi... enjoy your journey!
hepi holiday..
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